
Following command line flags can be used to configure flightpath

Default ""

Network address to a consul agent


Default "8500"

Port on which the consul agent is listening


Default "http"

Protocol used to connect with consul agent


Default ""

Consul token to use


Default "false"

Start debug HTTP server on loopback interface


Default "7180"

Network port to use for debug HTTP server


Default ""

Address of the dogstatsd agent


Default "flightpath"

Metrics namespace for dogstatsd


Default "8125"

Port of the dogstatsd agent


Default "/var/log/envoy/access.log"

Path to the file where envoy will write listener access logs


Default "1"

Number of seconds to wait for closing the connection after peer closes from their side


Default "30"

Number of seconds to wait for HTTP/2 to shut down after sending GOAWAY frame


Default "15"

Number of seconds after which an idle connection is cleaned up


Default "true"

Preserve external request ID if set in headers


Default "30"

Number of seconds to wait for the entire request to be received

Default "300"

Number of seconds after which an idle TCP connection is cleaned up


Default "default"

Method used to drain upstream connections. Valid options are 'default' and 'modified'


Default "1049000"

Soft limit in bytes on size of the listener’s new connection read and write buffers


Default "9292"

Port used by Envoy Listener


Default "-1"

TFO queue length. -1 means the setting is not modified, 0 means TFO is disabled and 1 and higher value means TFO is enabled with queue size set to this value


Default "true"

Set the listener as transparent socket


Default "false"

Enable request tracing on envoy


Default "egress"

Tracing operation name, valid values are 'ingress' or 'egress'


Default "false"

Add verbose information to traces


Default "json"

Format of the log message. Valid options are json and plain


Default "INFO"

Set log verbosity. Valid options are trace, debug, error, warn, info, fatal and panic


Default "true"

Expose runtime stats on memory and CPU


Default ""

Set the metrics sink. Valid options are 'dogstatsd' and 'stderr'


Default "flightpath"

Name used to register the flightpath service in Consul Catalog


Default "flightpath-edge"

Named of the Envoy node


Default "7171"

Port for XDS listener


Default "false"

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